Please complete the form below to register your company in this portal to begin your certification process with the USPAACC.
(If your company is already registered in this portal, please try Retrieve User Name or Reset Password option in the home page to obtain your login credentials.)

Supplier Verification

Please select “Yes” only if your company is already registered. Pin
Name of the company as it appears in legal registration. Pin
Choose the appropriate Tax ID type from the drop-down list. Pin
Unique 9 digit number assigned to your business. Pin

Headquarters Information

If you do not have corporate headquarters in the US, you cannot register. Please contact USPAACC at Help
Enter the address details in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the city details in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Choose the name of the state from the drop-down list associated with this field. Pin
Enter the zip code details in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the company phone number in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Enter the company email ID in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Reenter the email ID for validation. Pin

Contact Information

Primary Contact Information

Please enter the primary contact name in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Please enter the job title of the primary contact in the text box associated with this field. Pin
If the contact address is different from the corporate address then please enter the address details in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the city details in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Choose the name of the state from the drop-down list associated with this field. Pin
Enter the zip code details in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the work phone number and extension in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the email ID in the text box associated with this field. Pin

Secondary Contact Information

Please enter the secondary contact name in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Please enter the job title of the secondary contact in the text box associated with this field. Pin
If the contact address is different from the corporate address then please enter the address details in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the city details in the text box associated with this field. Pin
Choose the name of the state from the drop-down list associated with this field. Pin
Enter the zip code details in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the work phone number and extension in the text boxes associated with this field. Pin
Enter the email ID in the text box associated with this field. Pin

Login Information

User Name should be unique. User Name should either be an email ID or start with alphanumeric and can contain special characters !@#$%&*+_()-. Pin
Keep the password length to a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 15 characters, with at least one upper case alphabet, one lower case alphabet and one number. Pin
Reenter the password for validation. Pin
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